Monday, March 16, 2009

Matthew's New Do

I just had to post a photo of Matthew with his sporty new haircut. Haircuts have been difficult in the past but he did great this time, and could he be any more handsome?
Great job little fellow!

Matthew's Grandpa and Granda Sumida came over for some lunch and some Matthew time. He adores them....It is actually very mutual.

Matthew had another treat....driving Daddy's car. When Matthew has had an exceptionally good speech session, ABA, school, etc., his reward is getting to pull a "Britney Spears" and drive Daddy's car around the block. Here is my little Mario Andretti at the wheel.

So Mark would shoot me if he knew I was going to post this photo but I thought it was extremely sweet. Matthew has night terrors and often wakes up in a panic during the night. Usually one of us just crawls in bed with him to comfort him. It was Mark's turn and when I went in to check on them in the morning, this is what I saw. I loved to see them so snuggled together. There is nothing more precious to me than to see the love an affection between Mark and Matthew.


Anonymous said...

That is our little Matthew! Very handsome and getting to be such a big boy.

Roxy said...

He looks like a Pro behind the wheel! And what a cool haircut. I agree nothing sweeter than a son/daughter and daddy love.

Anonymous said...

I love coming to your blog and checking up on things.....your comment about night brought it all back as Kelsey had them too, but she was never really awake but it sure seemed like it to lasted awhile and I guess it was actually harder on us than it was on her!