Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hard Times

I finally uploaded the photos from the end of season soccer party. It was such a great experience for Matthew and I feel like he really benefited from it. I am looking forward to spring soccer!

Our awesome coaches who made it so much fun!
We love you coach Jon and Joe!

Matthew was so excited to get a trophy!
So, keeping things real, it has been 2 of the worst weeks I can remember. I was hoping the new meds would help but things seem to get worse by the day. I feel like I am watching Matthew unravel and I can't do anything to help. I imagine it is difficult to be in his skin right now. The meltdowns, insomnia, rigidity is wearing on us right now. Please say a little prayer that the doctor is able to find the med/dose that will help Matthew get back to his sweet, happy and sunny self.
I HATE autism!


Ms. to u said...

I am so sorry! I hope things get better soon. He has made so much progress, I am sure he will bounce back. Hang in there dear friend.

EP said...

Syliva, I am so sorry to hear things are so rough! I am thinking of y'all and will definitely add you to my prayers. Hang in are strong!

Love, Elizabeth