Monday, January 19, 2009

Play Dates

We took Matthew to the Discovery Science Center today to see the Dinosaur Exhibit. He had fun running around and seeing his little friend Zachary.
Later in the day we had a play date with his buddy Brenna and baked cookies, one of Matthew’s new favorite things to do. Are they cute or what!
Mark may end up with a little baker rather than a golfer!
Brenna and Matthew enjoying the fruits of their labor.
In the evening we took the kids to Burger King to play in those tall climbing structures….the very ones I swore I would never let my child touch when I was pregnant…
While we were there we had one of those “Wow” moments. One of Matthew’s challenges is his social skills. He typically does not care much about his peers and usually prefers not to interact. It is frequently a struggle to get him to engage with peers at all but tonight was incredible. He had such a great time and to watch him call Brenna’s name and tell her he needed help to reach the next climbing level was gold to us. She was such a good little helper and never left his side for over an hour, dragging him up that tall structure over and over. She even said “Matthew, come this way” and he did!!!! This is HUGE for Matthew and something his therapist and social skills teacher have worked hard on.
To be honest, it has been a rough week or two with behaviors and incessant stimming and seeing this interaction was so encouraging. Moments like these renew our belief that someday our son will be recovered and autism will be a thing of the past. For now he continues to make us so proud of him and thankful for having this beautiful boy in our lives.


Anonymous said...

Sorry it was been a rough week. Remember, autism is a marathon and not a sprint, it will get better again. This is just one of those rought patches.
Sending hugs and lots of love to you guys.

Trojan Fan said...

What a cutie pie! You guys have done a great job with Matthew. He is doing so well.
Congrats on everything so far with your District. I know how hard it has is to just a little more good luck!

junglemama said...

Hi. First off your son is such a handsome little fellow. Second, I do believe that your son can learn how to interact through therapy. Our nine year old biological son was diagnosed with autism in kindergarten and we all feel that he has outgrown many of the behavior through occupational therapy, and speech therapy and behavior modification. He is now diagnosed with a receptive-expressive language disorder. Keep up the great work!